Agent Orange, Conflicts of Past and Present

A work in progress

Charts About Herbicide Use in Vietnam

Edwin A. Martini’s book Agent Orange: History, Science, and the Politics of Uncertainty, discusses the politics of chemical warfare. In the very beginning of his book he offers  a spread sheet of  information on the chemical makeup of herbicides. I give here a visual representation of those figures.  This chart (linked below) details the chemical make up of the multiple herbicides used in the Vietnam War.*

In his writing he gives several dates as to when the herbicides were sprayed, but two other sources I found have on their own dates that differ by several years. The first source below is from Martini’s book Agent Orange:History, Science and the Politics of Uncertainty.


The second source used is Alvin Young’s book The History, Use, Disposition and Environmental Fate of Agent Orange.


This last source is an article titled The Extent and Patterns of Usage of Agent Orange and Other Herbicides in Vietnam.


All three articles’ charts differ from one another slightly. Depending on who you ask, the chemicals were used at different times. The consolidation of all the data from the three sources is listed below in a smaller, less visually appealing chart.
Chart of charts
Sources in order of appearance: #4, #2, and #1.
*Please excuse the hiccup in the data. In Agent White it states that there are 80% of both Triispropanolamine Salt of Picolram and
Triispropanolamine Salt of 2,4-D. When in fact there is 20% of Triispropanolamine Salt of Picolram and 80% of Triispropanolamine Salt of 2,4-D.

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